Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vienna: Culture and History Revealed

September 12

We did not spend a lot of time in Vienna and by this time in our trip, everything was starting to blend together and we were getting very tired. We got here early in the morning and walked around for a long time. There were only a few big attractions that we knew we wanted to see. Actually I had nothing in mind that I had to see in Vienna, I love experiencing culture so walking around and people watching always suits me just fine. Melody knew of some big attractions that Vienna was known for and Charissa wanted to see some of the musical side. We saw the big opera house which was beautiful, but unfortunately way too expensive for our budgets. Mozart is the well known composer of Vienna apparently, so there were men everywhere that were dressed like Mozart... it was interesting. They all wanted us to go to the theater, however it was way over our budget of money as well as time. We ventured over to a well known open market which turned out to be more like a massive garage sale. There were tables and people everywhere. People on the floor selling all kinds of trickets, people with tables, and people with tents. Everyone selling "...another man's treasure." It was so overwhelming, we walked through rather quickly in order to avoid because pushed every which way. We did however manage to buy this amazing little round cinnamon treat...I do not know how to explain it and I have no clue what it was called, but it tasted amazing! That was pretty much the best part of the open market. Mmmmmm
After we left the open market, we went to venture other areas of Vienna. Our first goal was St. Stephen's Cathedral. Sadly it was a little bit of a let down. Do not get me wrong, it was amazing. However after seeing so many beautiful churches and statues and monuments, it was just another one to add to the pictures. I was more interested in the people that were surrounding the church. Let's start with the protest that was going on just as we turned the corner to see the church, a line of people dressed in green protesting the mistreatment of the Iranians... I think. Then just to the right of the protesters was a War Vet that was sitting on a rolling cart next to a small white tent decorated with a painted on marijuana leaf singing who knows what. Then there was the huge crowd surrounded around the Austrian break dancers doing a show. It was great! Also, if that all was not enough, there was a large group of girls dressed like different centuries of wenches...I do not know why... The entire experience of just people watching was priceless.
After leaving the Cathedral we headed over to the palace that Marie Antoinette lived in! It was so beautiful, the sun began and set while we were there so it was the perfect timing. The actual palace was closed however there was a couple in a suit and wedding dressed who looked like they were having a wedding reception or something, it was so lovely! Everything about the palace was magical! There were staircases leading up on either side and a beautiful garden in the back. We got locked in the garden because they closed the entire palace and brought out the doberman pinchers... it was crazy! We had to jump over a fence to get out, I felt like such a rebel. Hehe. It was great!
Then when we got back to our room, I had a lot of energy ( what's new with that right?). And so I was jumping around trying to make my bed and then I decided to climb into the cupboard and hide. So first I hid in there and scared Christina... hehe. It was so much fun! So then I told all the other girls to try, lol. So I got all the girls except Melody to climb into all the cupboards with me. I really wanted to scare Joel, but he was on the phone and never came back in. I was sad. I waited for a long time then I finally just went to sleep... oh well maybe next time.
Vienna started out with very little excitement and ended with fun little stories to tell :)

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